Sydney Johnston

6 Yoga Props You ALREADY Have at Home – and Need to Start Using NOW!

Having props for virtual yoga classes is especially important because the teacher is unable to offer hands-on adjustments and cannot see students as well as in person, meaning students must be even more responsible for listening to their bodies and modifying poses in order to stay safe. But this doesn’t mean you have to spend […]

6 Yoga Props You ALREADY Have at Home – and Need to Start Using NOW! Read More »

FORGET Pranayama: The Only 2 Rules You Need to Know for Breathing While Doing Yoga

Ujjayi. Nadi shodhana. Kaphalabhati. Apa Japa. Krama Breath. Sama Vritti. Yoga classes often feature specific styles of pranayama (breath control) that complement the sequence being practiced, and many teachers have specific type(s) of breathing techniques they prefer and instruct in class. However, every body is unique and as a result, no single pranayama technique will

FORGET Pranayama: The Only 2 Rules You Need to Know for Breathing While Doing Yoga Read More »

6 Types of Yoga: What I Teach (+ breakdown of my “Specialty Yoga”)

Photo by Ginny Rose Stewart on Unsplash Many people think of the physical yoga practice (asana) as one dynamic sequence consisting of Warrior I’s and II’s, Chaturangas, and Pigeon poses, but in reality there are numerous diverse lineages of yoga, some of which seemingly bear no semblance to one another. None is better than the

6 Types of Yoga: What I Teach (+ breakdown of my “Specialty Yoga”) Read More »