Why You Should Try Online Yoga Classes in 2022

Never before have we seen such a rapid shift to online as with the Covid-19 pandemic. Overnight, seemingly anything one can think of – college education, court trials, and fitness classes – have shifted to at-home and over Zoom. This includes yoga classes: once teaching in studios, many teachers have temporarily (or permanently) converted to teaching classes online via webcam and microphone.

And while I am hopeful that 2022 will see us safely return to our old “normal” (or close to it), there are tremendous benefits to be had from online yoga classes. This New Year’s, whether you are looking to start yoga for the first time or are a long-time studio practitioner, here’s why you should give online yoga classes a try!

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What’s Wrong With Traditional Classes, Anyways?

Yoga classes are supposed to be all-inclusive and welcoming, but they have the potential to become discriminatory and exclusive.  Why?  There are several reasons:

  • Many people who would like to practice yoga do not live in near proximity to the boutique studios, which often concentrate in affluent suburbs of cities;
  • Yoga classes – a one-time consumable – are steeply priced for the student because the studio must pay the teacher (either a flat rate or a pay-per-head, or a combination), meet its overhead, and make a profit;
  • There is often a time commitment and transportation cost involved in commuting to and from studio classes;
  • Studio classes often teach flow-based yoga that recycles a variety of the same postures. This repetition of the same class content excludes elderly, disabled, injured, and pregnant students who may not be able to practice these poses (or may not feel comfortable making their own modifications);
  • Yoga classes in western culture have developed a very homogeneous student base:  white, thin, flexible young women who can perform intricate binds, balances, and inversions.  This, more often than not, breeds a judgmental and competitive classroom environment, rather than an encouraging and supportive safe space.  Many potential students are deterred from studio classes – which can have upwards of 60 students per class – precisely because of this atmosphere.

The Empowerment of Online Yoga

Online yoga classes provide freedom and flexibility that simply cannot be matched in a studio environment. 

  • Online classes eliminate the time and expense of commuting to and from the studio – simply unroll your mat and you’re ready to practice!
  • Small class sizes – online classes offer a more intimate and personalized experience that allows students to connect with one another and with the teacher.
  • No judgement – online classes allow you to practice in the privacy of your own home, ensuring you never feel judged or self-conscious while practicing.  When practicing at home, YOU have the power to turn the video camera on or off – no one else does! This empowers students to truly be present and enjoy their practice, letting go of all worries and distractions that come when surrounded by other students in a large studio class.
  • Consistency – many yogis love their practice, but the time and expense involved in attending studio classes prohibit them from participating as much as they would like.  Online classes make a consistent yoga practice easier to achieve.
  • Safety – online yoga classes allow students to attain a community and connection with other yogis, while eliminating the Covid-19 safety concerns of attending in-studio classes.

Online vs Studio Yoga: Here’s What You Need to Know

An online yoga class will never have the same feel or atmosphere as a studio class. Nor should it try to.

In reality, online and studio classes are two entirely different forms of practicing yoga, and the differences make them each a unique experience. Neither can entirely replace the other.

That said, I truly believe that many students will benefit from the advantages of online yoga – namely, a nonjudgmental, flexible, and more affordable and accessible class experience. When practicing from home, YOU call the shots: you decide when you want to practice, where you want to practice, what style of yoga, how long to practice, and how to modify so that your practice best fits YOUR body. The empowerment, flexibility, and freedom of online yoga classes is unrivaled for students looking to cultivate a practice that best serves their unique needs and independent desires.

Ready to start 2022 off with online yoga classes?

| SPECIAL OFFER: Click here to get a FREE live online yoga class!